Worship The Glitch

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


Apple throwing shade.


Today’s “AI” chatbots are no smarter than Siri. They only seem smarter because they’re not doing anything useful. We notice when Siri fails because we ask it to do meaningful tasks. When we ask it to turn off the lights, for example, and it doesn’t, we notice.

But we ask comparatively little of other chatbots, and they give us even less in return. This makes it easy for them to fail without us noticing or even caring. We don’t notice because they don’t matter.

I love this bit 👆 from Apple’s Craig Federighi where he’s kind of disgusted by the idea of having meandering conversations with a chatbot in order to get something done.

The “AI” should be doing the work for you. I think Apple knows how hard that actually is, because they’ve been working at it for a long time with very limited success. They know how hard it is to do because they’re trying to use the tech to do meaningful things that actually serve people.

The difference is Apple taking on the burden of trying to make this tech do something, versus basically everyone else putting the burden on us. We’re meant to contort to the inconsistent ramblings of their raw tech because if it was a real product that people depended on, we would ridicule it.

Just like we ridicule Siri.

siri ai chatbot ai tech apple ai opinions